Empire Premium

At Empire, we believe that education is key to success in trading and investing. That’s why we provide a range of resources and support to help you improve your skills and knowledge. Take the first step towards achieving your goals and join the Empire today.

Get the Premium Advantage

News & Research Articles

Our premium subscription service includes exclusive research articles that provide in-depth analysis and insights into the cryptocurrency market. Our team of experts scours the market to uncover the latest trends, news, and analysis, so you can stay ahead of the game.

Live Market Scans

As a premium subscriber, you’ll have access to a team of world-class traders who scan the cryptocurrency market live, looking for potential trading opportunities. Our team of experts has years of experience and a proven track record of success in the market. With their help, you’ll be able to identify profitable trades more easily.


Our interactive course on technical analysis is designed to help you master the skills needed to make informed trading decisions and maximize your profits in the cryptocurrency market. Our course covers all the essential concepts and tools of technical analysis, including charting, indicators, and patterns. You’ll learn how to identify trends, trading opportunities, and manage risk effectively.


As a premium subscriber, you’ll have access to personalized groups where you can connect with like-minded traders and experts in the cryptocurrency market. These groups are designed to foster a community of traders who can share ideas and strategies, and gain access to exclusive opportunities

Empire Premium

At Empire, we believe that education is key to success in trading and investing. That’s why we provide a range of resources and support to help you improve your skills and knowledge. Take the first step towards achieving your goals and join the Empire today.

Get the Premium Advantage

News & Research Articles

Our premium subscription service includes exclusive research articles that provide in-depth analysis and insights into the cryptocurrency market. Our team of experts scours the market to uncover the latest trends, news, and analysis, so you can stay ahead of the game.

Live Market Scans

As a premium subscriber, you’ll have access to a team of world-class traders who scan the cryptocurrency market live, looking for potential trading opportunities. Our team of experts has years of experience and a proven track record of success in the market. With their help, you’ll be able to identify profitable trades more easily.


Our interactive course on technical analysis is designed to help you master the skills needed to make informed trading decisions and maximize your profits in the cryptocurrency market. Our course covers all the essential concepts and tools of technical analysis, including charting, indicators, and patterns. You’ll learn how to identify trends, trading opportunities, and manage risk effectively.


As a premium subscriber, you’ll have access to personalized groups where you can connect with like-minded traders and experts in the cryptocurrency market. These groups are designed to foster a community of traders who can share ideas and strategies, and gain access to exclusive opportunities

Our Courses Include

Live & Pre-Recorded

Premium course content includes Live & Pre recorded content for you can watch it at any time.

Self Paced

Complete your lessons at your own pace when it suits you.


Stuck on a course topic? Our head coaches are here to help and answer questions.

Courses Included with Premium Plans


Technical Analysis

Master the skill of Technical Analysis. Learn about buying and selling pressure and how to predict the next market move.

Fundamental Analysis

including IDO, DeFi, Staking, Analysing Gems and strategies to trade fundamental announcements.

Strategy & Trade Plan

Learn trading strategies and get guided assistance on building your very first trade plan.

Advanced Strategies

Master the skill of Technical Analysis. Learn about buying and selling pressure and how to predict the next market move.

Market Correlations

Learn what influences the market and find out how to keep up to date with economic news and announcements.

Risk Management

Learn how to control your risk appetitite to help increase your profitability when trading the markets.

Courses Included with Premium Plans


Technical Analysis

Master the skill of Technical Analysis. Learn about buying and selling pressure and how to predict the next market move.

Fundamental Analysis

including IDO, DeFi, Staking, Analysing Gems and strategies to trade fundamental announcements.

Strategy & Trade Plan

Learn trading strategies and get guided assistance on building your very first trade plan.

Advanced Strategies

Master the skill of Technical Analysis. Learn about buying and selling pressure and how to predict the next market move.

Market Correlations

Learn what influences the market and find out how to keep up to date with economic news and announcements.

Risk Management

Learn how to control your risk appetitite to help increase your profitability when trading the markets.

Groups to Suit All

Gain exclusive access to personalized groups as a premium subscriber, connecting you with like-minded traders and cryptocurrency experts. Our community is designed to foster idea sharing, strategy building, and exclusive opportunity access.

Our Market Scans

Join our dynamic cryptocurrency trading platform and gain access to live market scans conducted 3-4 times a week. Our expert team identifies potential trading opportunities and shares valuable insights on market trends and fundamental news. Stay ahead of the curve with our cutting-edge platform that also provides regular updates on the latest NFT opportunities, helping you make informed investment decisions and maximize your profits. Don’t miss out on the chance to join a vibrant community of savvy traders and investors.

Cant make it to watch the live stream? Empire has you covered with all calls being recorded for future access.



- Macsue Jacques-Stavridis


- Michael Dunjey